Thursday, April 21, 2011


These are the only horror movies I enjoy watching. Why? Because you learn from them (:

1. You can NEVER have sex. Sex=DEATH.
2. You can never drink or do drugs.
3. Never, ever, ever say "I'll be right back." You NEVER come back.
4. In a sequel the body count is ALWAYS higher.
5. Death scences get more elaborate.
6. NEVER assume the killer is dead.
7. In trilogies the killer becomes super human of sorts. Stabbing and shooting will not work.
8. Anyone can die...including the main character.
9. The past will always come back to haunt you.
10. Here's the thing about re-makes...don't fuck with the originals ;)

See. I have learned so much from the SCREAM movies. After learning these rules I can tolerate horror films a bit more, though don't get me wrong...I still get scared. But I suppose that's the fun in it all (: 

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